As per the annual tradition, Falcom has unveiled their 2017 postcard style desk calendar. Additionally, this year will also see a postcard collection of New Year artwork that you can send to friends to celebrate the holiday.
Both are in preorders now, but they will be on sale on 12/3. As a note, in the past, the calendars have quickly sold out, so you will want to preorder if you want in on this item.
The calendar, pictured above, features artwork from Ys VIII, Tokyo Xanadu, Trails of Cold Steel II, and more. As the art can be verticle or horizontal, the calendar is included with a case that can be turned either direction for each of the cards.
Those with sharp eyes may also see that the calendar includes some of the new artwork we got in the North American release of Trails of Cold Steel II in the card contents as well.
Product Number: Y204
Size: B6
Contents: 6x Double-Sided Calendar Pages (for 12 months), plus front and back cards for the set.
Price: 750 yen
The New Years postcard set includes art from previous New Year wallpapers that Falcom has emailed out to members of the mail magazine. It also features a postcard with the popular Line stamp Yuru’s Mishy set, and will contain this year’s wallpaper in it as well, totaling out to 12 cards. To the left is the back of the postcards.
Product Number: Y205
Contents: 12 postcards
Price: 1500 yen
[ Falcom Online Shop – 2017 Desktop Calendar Product Page ]
[ Falcom Online Shop – New Years Postcard Set ]